Christina H

Marketing Director, Lead Instructor

Christina started dancing at a young age, and immediately fell in love with movement. She danced all the way through college and then abruptly stopped, finding the adult dance world a hard one to find your place in. Although she has always loved dancing, the classical styles felt lacking, leaving her wanting more. For years, Christina searched for a style of dance that resonated with her.

In 2019, Christina visited her first strip club. She was starstruck by all of the dancers. It was on her mind for days after and she thought, ‘I want to learn to dance like that’. In 2020, her resolution was to finally do all the things she’s always wanted to do–a resolution that has stuck with her throughout the years. So in 2021, Christina finally took the plunge and registered for a beginners pole workshop. That first class she was on cloud 9 and drove home with a smile plastered on her face. She immediately signed up for as many classes in her area that she could find, desperate to get into the studio and learn as much as she could. Christina instantly became addicted and was constantly scheming up ways of how she could get her own home pole. It was all she thought about, talked about, and looked up on Instagram.

“The strength it took, mixed with the sensuality, filled a void that I was missing in my prior dance years and spoke to so many different parts of my soul. No genre of dance has ever flowed so naturally through my body.”

Christina is so happy to have found a new pole home and community with Mora. She feels blessed with the opportunity to become a teacher and share her love of pole with others! 

Contact Christina